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Reader Stories

A Hair Trigger From World War III
by CARL A. BENNER, VMI ‘60 My name is Carl A. Benner and I was at Checkpoint Charlie during the standoff with the Russian T54 tanks in...
Berlin: The Happiest Place on Earth
by LINDA NOLTEN In June 1962, my West German husband to be (he a recent graduate from the Universität München’s Medical School) and I (a...
Growing Up In The Cold War
by DANIEL REVAS I arrived in West Berlin as a somewhat naive 17 year old soldier fresh off the plane from Nebraska. In many ways I “grew...
Waiting For Russia To Attack
by WALT MICKLER “Es lebe Freiheit!.” Those were the thoughts of most West Berliners in 1961. When asked by an American soldier what the...
Preventing World War III
by AMB. STEPHEN BARRETT I was Deputy Political Adviser in the British Military Government Berlin from 1959 to 1962. In August 1961 I was...
"He Only Wanted Freedom" — Berlin Wall Memorial
by CHARLES RAGER I was drafted into the Army in December of 1961. I arrived in Berlin Germany in June of 61. I was assigned to the...
I Was At Checkpoint Charlie
by MICHAEL F. RAFFERTY On November 9th 1989 I was relaxing in my home watching the Armed Forces Network, when it announced that East...
An American Doctor Behind The Iron Curtain
by AMMIEL SCHWARTZ I was posted to US Army Hosp Frankfurt July 1956. After I had been there for six months, I was asked if I would like...
Crying For Those Lost
by CODY K. CARLSON In the summer of 2005, I was an undergraduate student attending the Freie Universität Berlin international summer...
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